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IELTS Writing Task 1: Describing Increase and Decrease

IELTS Writing Task 1: Describing Increase and Decrease

April 16, 20243 min read

Being able to describe trends such as increases or decreases in IELTS Writing Task 1 is crucial for conveying information effectively. Employing adjectives and adverbs skillfully can enrich your descriptions, demonstrating both your vocabulary range and your ability to articulate trends.

Here's a selection of the most useful adjectives and adverbs which you can start using to elevate your descriptions and get a higher grade in the IELTS Writing test.

Adjectives & Adverbs

substantial / substantially

Meaning: significant or considerable


There was a substantial increase in the number of tourists visiting the city during the holiday season. 

By the following year, the figure had decreased substantially, dropping to 20%.

consistent / consistently

Meaning: steady or uniform


The rate of unemployment remained consistent throughout the observed period, hovering around 5% each month. 

Exports consistently declined over the course of the year.

downward / downwards

Meaning: decreasing or declining


From mid-2019, there was a noticeable downward trend in the production of electronic devices. 

It is anticipated that prices will continue to move downwards in the coming months.

significant / significantly

Meaning: noteworthy or considerable


There was a significant rise in the number of students opting for online courses. 

The GDP of the country increased significantly over the last decade.

gradual / gradually

Meaning: progressing slowly over time


There was a gradual decline in the quality of air in urban areas over the past century.

The population of the town increased gradually during the observed period.

sharp / sharply

Meaning: sudden or pronounced


There was a sharp increase in the price of gasoline following the announcement of new taxation policies. 

Temperatures dropped sharply in December, leading to a surge in demand for heating.

steady / steadily

Meaning: stable or consistent


The number of students pursuing higher education abroad has been steadily increasing over the past five years. 

Despite fluctuations, the stock market remained relatively steady.

considerable / considerably

Meaning: substantial or noteworthy


There was a considerable decrease in the amount of rainfall received in the region compared to the previous year. 

The unemployment rate decreased considerably following government interventions.

remarkable / remarkably

Meaning: extraordinary or noteworthy


There was a remarkable improvement in attitudes towards public transportation infrastructure after the implementation of the new policies. 

The company's profits increased remarkably in 2019.

slight / slightly

Meaning: minor or modest


There was a slight decrease in the average temperature during the summer months.

The number of tourists visiting the beach resort increased slightly compared to the previous year.


Mastering prepositions is essential for accurately conveying data in IELTS Writing Task 1. Here are some key prepositions and their usage.


Example: Sales remained steady at $3.5 million for five consecutive years.

Explanation: "at" denotes a specific point in time or value.


Example: The number of tourists visiting the city rose by 15% in 2020.

Explanation: "by" indicates the magnitude of an increase or decrease.

from… to

Example: The temperature ranged from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius throughout 2003.

Explanation: "from… to" denotes the range between two values.


Example: There was a significant increase in the number of visitors in December.

Explanation: "in" specifies the time period during which the change occurred.


Example: There was a decrease of 10% in the unemployment rate.

Explanation: "of" precedes the numerical value representing the change.

If you can master the use of these adjectives, adverbs and prepositions to describe trends, you’ll be on your way to achieving a top score in IELTS Writing Task 1!

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Swoosh English

Swoosh English is a premium OET, IELTS and PTE exam preparation provider and has helped over 22,000 students pass their exams quickly.

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